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Rich Lawrence

RockThis is Rich ‘Rock’ Lawrence’s first year at the Fringe – mainly since he is so young, much to the rest of the company’s dismay. He is waiting to see how much he can use this to his advantage.

1. What’s his favourite type of cake? Too-Much-Brandy cake -though he has since found the right amount of brandy to put in, the nameremains.
2. If he were a fairytale character or creature, who or what would he be and why? He would be Little Red Riding Hood, because he’s so cute and adorable. Oh, and naïve. So naïve.

3. What would he find in Room 101? Room 101 would contain lots of bugs and insects and spiders and yuk yuk yuk. Ewwww.

James Sharpe

James Sharpe

James Sharpe is reading history at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. His interests are conversing, reading, thinking, writing, and generally living.

1. What’s your favourite type of cake? lemon drizzle (I know, I know: very dull).

2. If you were a fairytale character or creature, who or what would you be and why? After much thought, I’d say the gingerbread man. It’s not because I’m sweet, but because I’m a very fast walker. Just as the gingerbread man could outrun everyone, I can outwalk them.

3. What would you find in Room 101? I’m sorry to say, but I’m terrified of dogs, esp. small yappy ones.
