Cast Lists for Edinburgh 2008

So here we go again! The Two Shades crew spent an enjoyable few hours over the course of last weekend auditioning a thoroughly wonderful set of people and picking our casts for this year.

The Comedy and Cake cast are composed of a roughly even number of old hands and fresh faces:

ChrisJim Donnelly; Ben Parker; Cat Harris; Louise Sherlock; Sarah Frankland;  Paul Cooper; Lotty Spurrell and Marc Gascoigne. Marc will also be our lovely MD.

Back To The Future: The Pantomime will be bringing you the delights of the following people (in the following roles):

Ros Higman (Marty Mc Fly); Phil Scott The Younger (Doc Brown); Rich Wareham (Lorraine Baines/Mc Fly); Tom Woolley (Biff Tannen); Rory Morrison (George Mc Fly) and a fabulous chorus consisting of Gill Conquest, Beth Rowell, Dan Browne and Clem Cooper.
This rowdy lot will be accompanied up to Edinburgh (for their own safety) by Richard Owen, C Howdle, Joey Clark, Jo Williams, Emilie Yerby and Caroline Chambers, who will set fire to things, point lights at people, drink gin and accost strangers.