Cast List for 2009

…and it occurs to me that I haven’t shared the cast list for our 2009 show. So here it is:

1984, A Comedy:
Winston- Paul Cooper
Julia- Katie Taffler
O’ Brien: Chris Jim
Secret Police 2: Janet Scott
Secret Police 1: Rich Lawrence (Rock)

Comedy and Cake:
Gareth Smith
Rory Morrison
Ben Parker
Perry Asbury
Hannah Walker
Rosalind Higman
Matilda Hay

Once Upon A Time: Naughty Fairytales Your Mother Never Told You
Charming: James Sharpe
Magic Mirror/Muso: Dan Tooke
Anita: Helen Nightingale
Pinnochio: Clemency Cooper
Goldilocks: Emma Lewis
Herr Kerler: Philip Scott (ox)
Herr Nett: Harry Ullman
Puss in Shoes: Cat Harris
Puss in Shoes’ mum: Emilie Yerby (and indeed, Company mum!)

Joanne Williams – Stage Manager at one place
Caroline Chambers- Stage Manager at another place
Richard Owen – Technical Manager
Technical support :
Jessica Law
Michael “Bendy” Conterio
Jocasta Clark
Rose Stanley

Substitute Mummy/stagehand: Dan Artus