Funding available for Edinburgh Fringe

N.B: This is for the 2010 funding: please look here for a similar 2011 advert!

Two Shades of Blue today announce that funding may be available for lightly entertaining shows at the Edinburgh Fringe 2010.

What kind of shows will be funded?
Anything lightly entertaining. Two Shades of Blue exists to promote Light Entertainment throughout the Edinburgh Fringe, and the world. Light entertainment is difficult to define, but anything where you come out of the theatre uplifted and happy without feeling that you have been hit over the head with a message.
So, for example, Oscar Wilde, a jolly musical, gentle comedy, and light hearted re-tellings of classic stories are in. Chekov, Wagnerian Opera, and Contemporary dance are not. Have a look at some of our previous productions for inspiration.

Which companies will you fund?
All applications are welcome, but we particularly welcome applications from theatrical groups consisting of students or recent graduates.

How much money is available?
Up to £1000 may be available for the right production.

That’s fantastic, is there anything else you can help with apart from funding?
We’re very happy to offer advice and help on productions, particularly at the Edinburgh Fringe where we have a lot of experience. We also may be able to help with publicising your production, and with more material things, such as access to our extensive props and costumes.
In short we will help as much as you like; if you’d rather do things independently, we’ll of course respect this!

What’s the catch?
No catch! Any money we invest will be treated as an investment, and we will negotiate with you about repayment. This will normally be a percentage of the profits related of what we invest.

When’s the deadline?
There is no hard deadline, so do apply whenever convenient. However, we only have a limited amount of funding available, so early applications are encouraged. All applications up to 31st March will be considered equally.

Do you fund projects apart from at the Edinburgh Fringe?
Certainly we will, and we look for projects throughout the year. Please contact us and we can discuss!

How do I apply?
Please prepare

  • a covering letter,
  • a description of your show and information on your company, (one page maximum)
  • a brief financial statement or budget projections. (one page maximum)

Please send your applications, and indeed any questions, to

I have some questions, who can I contact?
If you’re not sure if your show is eligible, or have any more queries at all, please leave a comment below or e-mail us


  1. Well we were overrun with a smattering of applications, and some very good stuff. I hope to announce who we will be funding in Edinburgh soon; they’re very exciting shows.

    Members of the company will be amused to know that we even got an application from a Contemporararay Dance show. Hehehe. Made my day saying no to that one!
