Even More Bios!

Ros Higman

Ros This is Ros’s third year at the Fringe with TSOB; the first and second years were so much fun that she came back from her Year Abroad early just to be in it. She is a linguist, therefore she has recently spent far more time in Berlin and Paris than she would have liked. After being
Musical Director in 2007 and playing Marty McFly in last year’s Back to the Future: the Pantomime, she is looking forward to spending an hour a day constantly panicking over which costume she needs to wear next in this year’s Comedy and Cake.

1. What’s her favourite type of cake? Marmalade, date and custard flavoured vegan cake. Yes, it is all of those things. Recipe available on request…

2. If she were a fairytale character or creature, who or what would she be and why? Ros would be Happy, Dopey, Sneezy, Grumpy, Bashful, Sleepy and Doc. In that order.

3. What would she find in Room 101? A time machine that took her right back to the start of the Year Abroad she just finished… not that she spent the whole year really missing everyone or anything!

Janet Scott

Janet in a human pyramid

Janet somehow managed to miss the people shouting “be in a very silly play” at the Freshers’ Fair, so first encountered light entertainment on seeing a friend in a CULES show and promptly joined up. She then proceeded to be a CULE for three years but until this point has never done TSOB or indeed gone to the Fringe at all. When she isn’t being a CULE she does silly amounts of rowing and jumps up and down on trampolines doing interesting variations of trying not to land on her head. She is now acting in 1984 and trying not to mess it up too much.

1. What’s your favourite type of cake? I think it would have to be carrot cake though I am very tempted by both marmalade cake and coffee cake. I might see what happens if I mix the three…

2. If you were a fairytale character or creature, who or what would you be and why? I quite fancy being the beanstalk but I don’t really know why.

3. What would you find in Room 101? Well I’m really not at all sure about this one. I reckon my greatest fear is nonexistence and Carrie reckons that that means I’m not allowed in room 101 which is fine by me!